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Juniors - 29th of December to 12th of January 
Seniors - 29th of December to 15th of January

Summer Camp 2023-24

Oh what a year it has been! Summer Camp is finally here and no one is as excited as the helfer are. The weather is getting warmer, the sun is shining, the clouds are going away, nature knows it's time for Summer Camp. 


With such an amazing year at SKIF already, what better way to cap it off than with an incredible Summer Camp!

Camp Dates


Junior Camp

Friday 29th of December - Friday 12th of January

Senior Camp

Friday 29th of December - Monday 15th of January


Visitors Day

Saturday 6th of January

What Do We Do

On camp, the helfer (fully trained leaders) will be running activities for the SKIFistn where we aim to help open their eyes to the big wide world that we live in, encouraging them to be actively involved in making it the kind of place in which they would like to live.


SKIFistn have a fun, action packed camp where they do activities based on SKIF’s ideologies, arts and crafts, play sport, sing, go for a shpatz (walk), hang out with their friends, helfer and more. The helfer work hard to make sure that every child has an enjoyable time on camp so that they come home with exciting stories to tell their friends and family.


Every helfer has a valid working with children's check, level 3 first aid qualifications along with our Safeguarding Children's policy that is followed to ensure your child's safety on camp.

Camp Prices and Form


Camp Form:

Access form HERE


Camp Price:

Juniors (15 days) - $1305
Seniors (18 days)  - $1510


Due to child safety requirements we cannot accept enrolments for children who have not attended a Sunday SKIF or SKIF event in person. If you are new to SKIF, please get in contact with us.


Jewish Labour Bund Inc

BSB: 033047 Account: 522499






Packing List

  • Underwear (enough for at least one per day!!!)

  • Socks

  • Pyjamas

  • T-shirts

  • Long sleeve tops

  • Warm jumpers

  • Shorts

  • Long Pants

  • Closed shoes/Runners

  • Nice clothes - for Shabbes and special dinners

  • Beanie

  • Hat

  • Shower shoes

  • Bathers

  • Clothes that can get dirty and/or wet

  • NYE Costume: Theme - Heroes and Villains

  • Dirty washing bag


  • Fitted sheet

  • Pillow and pillowcase

  • Sleeping bag/doona

  • Extra throw blanket if sleeping bag is thin!

  • Towel x2 - for swimming and shower

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste

  • Soap

  • Shampoo/Conditioner

  • Hairbrush

  • Pads and tampons (if needed)

  • Sunscreen 

  • Deodorant

  • Bug spray


  • Microwavable heat pack (if your are prone to stomach aches)

  • Water bottle

  • One bag of lollies/snacks for kraize bag which will be shared with your group (NO nuts, we will be checking and taking all kraize bag containing nuts!)

  • Torch

  • Musical instruments (optional)


If your child requires medication please put it in a zip lock bag LABELLED with the child's name and instructions and give it to a helfer at the bus before we leave.


Please name all things to avoid losing anything on camp


Please check your child(ren) for lice before coming on camp

What Not To Bring


Weapons, tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, valuable electronics, MOBILE PHONES, IPAD's and other electronics and valuable items (including money) should NOT be brought to camp. There will be no circumstance where a mobile phone will need to be used by a SKIFist on camp (plus, there will be no reception). There will be a camp contact who is contactable during camp if there is an urgent need to speak to your child.

The details to this person will be given out at departure. Please note that we ask that any kraize bag taken to camp does not contain nuts. 

Contact Us:

Hillel: 0410 314 159


Trixie: 0407 288 403

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