Our Ideologies
If we haven’t answered any of your questions below or you’d like to know more information simply email skifhelfer@gmail.com or contact Hillel at 0410 314 159 or Trixie at 0407 288 403
What is SKIF?
SKIF is a Jewish youth movement where kids can come and have fun with others their age while also learning about important current events and different aspects of their Jewish identity including exploring Yiddish as a language and culture. All of the activities run by the leaders are in line with SKIF’s ideologies. See more on the 'About Us' page.
(Read further to find out more information about SKIF’s ideologies)
Who can come to SKIF?
SKIF is for everyone aged 8-18 years old!
Note: If your child is turning 8 later this year we recommend trying out a Sunday SKIF to see if it’s right for your child!
Juniors are aged Grade 2 - Grade 6 and seniors are generally high school aged but this can vary depending on numerous factors.
How much does SKIF cost?
Our weekly Sunday SKIF’s are absolutely FREE!
Where is SKIF?
SKIF runs every week at Waks House. For the address, please contact Hillel 0410 314 159 or Trixie 0407 288 403
What time are SKIF's weekly meetings?
SKIF runs every Sunday from 3-5 pm. If there is any variation from this, you can be notified by signing up to our E-Bulletin!
Who are the leaders?
The leaders at SKIF, or as we call them, Helfer, are a group of young adults (18-21) who volunteer their time to make SKIF possible. All the helfer have completed a 2 year training course and have an up to date level 2 First Aid Certificate and CPR qualification as well as volunteering Working with Children Checks.
SKIF is accredited organisation to ensure the safeguarding of children under SKIF's care.
To view our Children's Safeguarding Policy see Safeguarding Policy under 'About Us'.
What do you do at SKIF?
During Sunday SKIF the SKIFistn (participants) are generally split in age groups where the junior half and the senior half do different activities based on SKIF’s 3 ideologies. The SKIFistn do fun activities organized by the helfer where they learn about events that happen around the world along with different aspects of their Jewish identities including Yiddish as a language and culture. SKIF also organizes other events throughout the year both Jewish (e.g. Purim party), as well other fun events such as ice skating, for example.
Is there anyone else involved with running the organisation?
The day to day running of SKIF (Sundays, events and camps) is done by the Helfer group, however matters to do with finance and any legal issues are brought to the Bund, who also provide experienced suggestions for the Helfer. The Jewish Labour Bund inc is the parent organisation of SKIF.
How many camps do you run every year?
SKIF runs 3 camps each year. Winter Camp (held during the winter school holidays) is for everyone, It is 3 nights for juniors and 6 nights for seniors. SKIF holds a spring or Autumn Camp (it varies each year) for 3 nights just for seniors. There is also a Summer Camp held over the summer holidays which is 14 nights for everyone.
What do you do on your camps?
On camp, SKIFistn (camp-goers) have fun filled days where they do activities based on SKIF’s ideologies, arts and crafts, play sport, swim, sing, hang out with their friends and the Helfer and many more fun activities. The Helfer work hard to make sure that every child has an enjoyable time on camp and comes home with exciting stories to tell.
How can I pay for camp?
Payment can be made in cash or cheque made out to: Jewish Labour Bund Inc.
For Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payment:
Account Name: Jewish Labour Bund Incorporated
BSB: 033-047
Account Number: 522499
If you are in need of financial assistance or would like to organise a payment plan, please do not hesitate to contact us sooner rather than later.
What happens if my child gets sick?
When any person on camp falls ill, we temporarily make use of a first aid room to contain any threat of the illness being contagious, and allow for the person to rest. If we have any concerns we immediately contact our camp doctor by phone as well as notify the parents of the child, and if necessary, we take the child to the nearest medical centre immediately.
All Helfer are also trained and accredited in First Aid.
How can I contact my child on camp?
If something does come up and you need to contact your child whilst they are on camp, there is a camp contact in Melbourne (i.e. is not at camp with us). The camp contact changes from year to year but we make sure that every parent is made aware of who it is prior to sending their kids on camp.
The camp contact will contact the Helfer up at camp if there is an emergency.
The camp contact is designed to be a link between parents and SKIF camp only for emergencies.
What do I do if my child takes medication?
If your child is taking medication that’s not a problem. All you need to do is put the medication in a bag with your child's name on it along with instructions for use e.g: take with food, take in the morning, how many times a day etc.
All medical information is kept confidential.
When can I see photos of my child(ren)?
SKIF has a Flickr page where photos are posted from camp and events.
Only those who have the URL can access the SKIF Flickr page (i.e. can not be searched for on Google). The Flickr page is also private and can only be accessed by followers. If you don’t want your child's photo posted on the Flickr page, please contact us.
SKIF also regularly posts photos to its Instagram feed.
How do I know that my child will brush their teeth and take a shower?
We designate time after they wake up and just before they go to bed so that they can fulfill the necessary hygiene requirements (brush teeth, wash face, brush hair etc) with supervision by the Helfer. We also have mandatory showers everyday on camp just before dinner.
How does SKIF manage inappropriate behaviour on camp?
SKIF has a zero tolerance to bullying policy. We want to ensure that your child has the best camp they can, so we strictly do not tolerate any anti-social behaviour and will deal with it in a prompt and effective way.
Please email skifhelfer@gmail.com or contact Hillel at 0410 314 159 or
Trixie at 0407 288 403 if you’d like us to go through this process with you in more detail.
What do I do if my child has special needs?
The best thing to do is to get in contact with us so we can discuss with you on a personal basis. Please email skifhelfer@gmail.com or contact Hillel at 0410 314 159 or Trixie at 0407 288 403